Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Jackson goes to the Doctors Office

Today Jackson went to the Doctors office for the first time. Jackson does not like to have his clothes off as you can tell by his weigh in. As soon as you bundle him back up he is a happy baby again. Dr. Lance Slaymaker with Village Pediatrics, LLC is Jackson's Doctor. Dr. Slaymaker visited Jackson in the hospital and is exceptional with children. He has been wonderful with Jackson and works with a great group of Doctors. He also takes time to answer all of our new parent questions.

1 comment:

Gerry said...

Dawn and John,

Congratulations on your new baby boy, Jackson! He's so cute! You'll enjoy looking back on these photos. This is a great way to share them.

We also go to Village Pediatrcis. Dr. Slaymaker is great with kids. John (McGraw) had him at Children's Mercy South in early February. Maybe we'll see you there!

Gerry (Koehler) McGraw